What does UFM mean?

UFM stands for “Unfair Means”.

If a candidate is caught red-handed in possession of unauthorized material (a helping material, like paper, book, pages, electronic device, or other types of illegal activities during the exam), that helps him/her during the conduct of SSC/HSSC exam, he/she will be charged with a case of using Unfair Means in exams by the Center Superintendent.

There are many types of UFM cases, copying from a page or book, getting assistance from someone, smuggling or taking out answer script from the examination center, removing leaf from Answer Script, using abusive language, forging, refusing to obey the Superintendent/Deputy Superintendent, impersonating etc. A complete list is provided below.

A case of UFM will be registered against the candidate by the Center Superintendent. The board will call upon the candidate to explain his/her position and give the opportunity to defend the allegations by sending a UFM Notice at his/her address.

After due process and a hearing by the UFM Committee, a penalty/punishment will be notified when the result is declared and the Result Gazette issued.

Types of UFM:

Here is the complete list of possible nature of offense and punishment against each:

S#Nature of OffensePunishment
1.Possession of incriminatory material and computerized calculator/ Mobile Phone etc. Use of improper/indecent/vulgar/blasphemous obscene language/sketches in script writing making an Appeal to examiner on question paper/Answer book.
In case of the same offense in more than one paper or some other serious offense like manhandling and physical force.
a) Cancellation of relevant paper or
b) Fine as recommended by the Unfair Means Committee, or
c) Both “a” & “b” above.
d) Entire result of said examination shall be cancelled.
2.Unauthorized change of examination Centre(a) Cancellation of relevant papers(s) or
(b) Fine as recommended by the Unfair Means Committee, or
c) Both “a” & “b” above
3.Copying(a) Cancellation of relevant paper.
(b) Cancellation of all papers of the relevant examination.
(c) Debarred from appearing in the immediate next examination in addition to (b) above
4.Committing Fraud/ Forgery /mutilation in the answer script / Board document.(a) Cancellation of all papers/ result of the relevant examination
(b) Debarred from appearing in immediate next 1 to 3 exams.
5.Disobedience / violation of orders of the Supervisory staff / Centre SuperintendentCancellation of relevant paper and fine as recommended by the Unfair Means Committee
6.Indulgence in disturbance, provocation, agitation, walkout, and involvement in the rowdyism, rioting causing damage to the property.(a) Cancellation of all papers of the relevant exam and debarred from appearing in the Next 1 to 5 examinations, besides fine as recommended by the Unfair Means Committee.
(b) do
(c) do
(d) do
(e) Cancellation of all papers of the relevant exam and debarred from appearing in next 1 to 7 examinations, besides fine as recommended by the Unfair Means Committee
7.Acts of misbehavior such as:
(a) Causing hindrance in the discharge of duties of Centre staff.
(b) Resort to insolence, shouting and creating scene, etc.
(c) Threatening the supervisory Staff.
(d) Use of derogatory remarks and abusive language
(e) Physical assault and causing injury to invigilator / Centre staff / Possessing firearms.
Cancellation of all papers of the relevant examination and debarred from appearing in the next 1 to 7 examinations, and the fine as recommended by the Unfair Means Committee.
8.Impersonation or allowing abetment thereof
Smuggling question paper, and script in the original or solved forms from inside or outside the examination Centre.
a) cancellation of relevant paper or
b) Fine as recommended by the Unfair Means Committee
9.Any other offense/act/guilt not covered in the above classificationAny other offense/act/guilt not covered in the above classification
10.Indulgence in disturbance, provocation, agitation, walkout, and involvement in rowdyism, rioting causing damage to the property.(a) Cancellation of all papers of the relevant exam and debarred from appearing in the next 1 to 5 examinations,
b) Besides above, fine as recommended by the Unfair Means Committee
UFM Description and Outcome Table